Monday, December 16, 2019
Semester Updates Free Essays
All assignments must be handed in during scheduled classes. DO NOT EMAIL ASSIGNMENTS. ***Please remember: there is a one-week maximum for submission***. We will write a custom essay sample on Semester Updates or any similar topic only for you Order Now After one week, submissions will no longer be accepted. Late assignments without appropriate documentation will receive a grade but no comments. Students are responsible for keeping a Xerox copy of all take-home assignments. If you need an extension for extenuating circumstances, please discuss this with the professor before the due date, and an email that covers what has been agreed upon will be expected before an extension is granted. Evaluation Term Work The term work will constitute 75% of the final grade. A minimum of 50% of graded term work must be completed in class. Students will read 8-10 selections and write a minimum of 2500 words during the term, including at least two 500-word analytical essays written in class; a 1000-word analytical essay; and a research assignment. Students will develop arguments based upon a critical appreciation of the themes and literary techniques presented in the readings. They will also support their views with textual references. No more than 10% of the final grade will be allotted to quizzes and/or group work. Final Examination The final exam will constitute 25% of the course grade. It will be a common exam in the form of a textual analysis. Students must pass the term work and the final exam to pass the course. Grading System In addition to the usual passing grades of A+ to D, there are two grades that denote unsuccessful attempts at EACH 50: F (O to 49%) Failure (term work has not been completed) ATT The student has satisfactory attendance and has completed the term work, but has not met the learning outcomes. Any students receiving ATT in EACH 150 will continue their studies in EACH 150 in subsequent semesters until they have met the earning outcomes. In the meantime, the ATT grade does not affect the student’s grade point average. Students who feel that they may not pass the subject are, therefore, encouraged to keep working hard in the subject rather than drop it. Consistent attendance is important for success in this subject. If you are absent from class, please notify your professor by e-mail. You are still responsible for the material and assignments missed and will be required to provide documentation. For extensions or special considerations, make the request well in advance of any due dates. Considerate classroom conduct, adequate class preparation, and constructive participation will enhance your academic experience and that of your colleagues. In particular, you are asked to contribute to the learning environment by being prompt, courteous, responsible and collaborative, and by following the behavioral policies listed in the College Academic Policy and the Student Handbook. Student/Faculty Consultation Outside Classroom Hours Please arrange times with your professor to discuss your work and progress in this course. Learning Centre For free assistance in English, visit our Learning Centre and make an appointment tit one of our tutors. In EACH, weekly appointments are often recommended for extra help with grammar, sentence structure, composition, or vocabulary. Tutors can offer guidance and help you remedy writing problems, but will not proofread, or correct grammar, or alter content. Visit the Writing Centre in Room SSL 120 of the Learning Commons or book an appointment online at HTTPS://www. Seneca. On. Ca/ webs. Please retain this document for future educational and/or employment use. Academic Regulations It is your responsibility as a student of Seneca College to be aware of and abide by he academic and behavioral policies outlined in the College Academic Policy and the Student Handbook. Here are some key policies: Academic Honesty (Section 9 and Appendix E – Academic Policy) â€Å"Engaging in any form of academic dishonesty to obtain any type of academic advantage or credit is an offence under this policy and will not be tolerated by the College. The penalty for a first academic honesty offence is a grade â€Å"O†on the work in which the offence occurred, and will result in a comment being placed on the transcript by the Academic Honesty Committee. The penalty for he second academic honesty offence is an â€Å"F†in the subject where the offence occurred, a second comment on the transcript and suspension from the College for a time period determined by the Academic Honesty Committee, normally for a minimum of three (3) semesters. †For more information on Academic Honesty go to: http://library. Congealers. Ca. Eight to appeal academic decisions of the College. The procedures for informal and formal appeals are outlined in Academic Policy. If a student disagrees with the evaluation of an assignment or with a final grade, s/he must first discuss the matter tit the professor in an attempt to resolve the disagreement. If the matter is not resolved, the student should discuss the problem with the Coordinator o r the Chair of English and Liberal Studies. Students must keep all assignments (including drafts and outlines) and exercises until they receive their final grade. No appeal will be considered unless a complete file is submitted at the time of the appeal. Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Protocols See the Student Handbook. Faculty and students are reminded that College correspondence should only be disseminated electronically through official College- provided e-mail. Alternate e-mail addresses, such as Yahoo mail or Hotmail mail, are not authentically through Seneca. Copyright – See the Student Handbook There are limitations to reproducing materials from texts and other copyrighted materials. Essential copyright information is available in the Student Handbook and at http://library. Congealers. Ca. Student Rights and Responsibilities – See the Student Handbook Discrimination and Harassment – See the Student Handbook All students and employees have the right to study and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. Language or activities that defeat this objective violate the College Policy on Discrimination/Harassment and shall not be tolerated. Information and assistance are available from the Resolution, Equity and Diversity Centre. Accommodation for Students with Disabilities The college will provide reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities in order to promote academic success. If you require accommodation, contact the Counseling and Disabilities Services Office at ext. 2900 to initiate the process for documenting, assessing and implementing your individual accommodation needs. Approved by: Andrew Schmitt, Chair School of English and Liberal Studies How to cite Semester Updates, Papers
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