Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Use ABC Books All the Way Through High School
We often think of ABC books as being educational only for young children. However, alphabet books can be successfully used for students in the elementary grades all the way though high school. No, not your typical A is for apple, B is for bear books, but ABC book format. Using the ABC outline as a guide for writing allows for a creative, concise presentation of the subject matter and is versatile enough to use for nearly any age, ability level, or topic. What You’ll Need to Create an ABC Book ABC books are simple to make and dont require anything beyond basic supplies you probably already have in your home or classroom unless you want to get fancy with them. Youll need: A composition book or supplies for making your own book (such as a mini book or accordion book)​Pencil or penCrayons, markers, or other art medium for illustratingSample ABC books (The series, Discovering America State by State provides a wonderful example of how much or how little detail can be included in a book using the ABC format.) If you want to get a bit fancier, a blank book, available at craft stores or online retailers, is a good option. These books have a blank, hardback cover and blank pages, allowing students to customize and illustrate every aspect of the book. A book intended for journaling can also make a fabulous option for an ABC book. How to Write an ABC Format Book An ABC format book is an excellent alternative to a traditional written report and an ideal tool for review. By listing a fact for each letter of the alphabet – one letter per page of their book – students are pushed to think creatively (particularly for letters such as X and Z) and write concisely. The requirements for an ABC book can be adjusted based on a students age and ability level. For example: Elementary-aged students may be required to write one or two sentences for each fact, A-Z, or even. Primary grade students may even be required only to write, â€Å"A is for†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Older elementary and middle school students may be required to write a paragraph for each letter.High school students might have a lengthier expectation for written work or simply be expected to include greater detail. All ages should illustrate their work with the level of detail expected based on their age and ability level. How to Use ABC Books The ABC format allows for versatility across all subjects, from history to science to math. For example, a student writing an ABC book for science might choose space as his topic, with pages such as: A is for asteroidP is for planetZ is for zero gravity A student writing a math ABC book might include pages such as: F is for fractionG is for geometryV is for variable You may have to allow your students to be creative with some words, such as using words like eXtra or eXtremely for the letter X. Otherwise, those can be difficult pages to fill. When creating ABC books with students, consider using them as a long-term project over the course of a particular unit of study. For example, your students might spend six weeks on one ABC book. This time-frame provides time for students to spend a bit of time on the book each day. Suggest that students complete a rough outline on regular paper or in an extra composition book. They can add facts as they progress through the unit or lesson and spend time developing the concepts before transferring them to the final book and completing the illustrations. Encourage your students to complete their ABC book by creating a cover design and including an author page on the inside of the back cover. Dont forget your authors head shot! Students could even write a synopsis for the book on the back cover or inside the front cover, and ask their friends for review blurbs to include on the front or back cover. ABC books provide children with a framework for summarizing facts and details. This framework helps kids stay on track and flesh out the details of the summary without feeling overwhelmed. Not only that, but ABC books are a fun project for students of all ages and one that might even get your reluctant writers excited.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Pollution Regulations And Its Effects On The Pollution Of...
In the past, industry was a huge source of pollution in the Bay, along with sewage treatment plants. After regulations were put in place to correct these pollution point sources, local governments were required to establish and implement plans for improving the pollution from non-point sources and their impact on the TMDL. After years of committing to specific deadlines for a 40 percent reduction in nutrient pollution and missing those deadlines without consequences, the EPA took another approach, a mandatory pollution diet for the Bay that would include penalties for not progressing sufficiently. The â€Å"three recurring problems in the nonpoint source pollution regulatory framework deal with the voluntary participation, scientific and†¦show more content†¦In order to ethically evaluate the disaster of polluted runoff in The Chesapeake Bay, we would need to consider two different environmental ethical approaches in theory. The first approach to consider would be anthropoc entrism. John Nolt (2013) referred anthropocentrism to â€Å"human-centeredness†, where he claimed it to mean â€Å"For any action A, if we ought to do A, then doing A is good for humans†(p. 442), meaning to do what is good for humans. He discusses environmental ethics to be considered â€Å"value anthropocentrism†were all values are â€Å"ultimately human values and only human values have intrinsic value†(p. 443). The anthropocentrism approach only gives instrumental value to non-human living things, as to what value they have for humans, because they are not â€Å"morally competent beings†(p. 444). With this approach in mind, this would mean that deforestation is good, because building houses and roadways in their place is good for humans, instead of having natural runoff absorbing areas. Or overharvesting of crabs and oyster are good because it is for the greater good of watermen and restaurateurs livelihood and culture, instead of habitat a nd filtration of the Bay. Another approach to consider is biocentrism. â€Å"Moral biocentrism is the view that the property of being biologically alive is sufficient to confer moral standing on a thing; thus, on this view, the well-being of both sentient and nonsentient beings must be
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Depreciation and Useful Life Free Essays
Buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, computers, outdoor lighting, parking lots, cars, and trucks are examples of assets that will last for more than one year, but will not last indefinitely. Over time, these assets depreciate. Depreciation is defined as a non-cash expense that reduces the value of an asset as a result of physical or functional factors over time. We will write a custom essay sample on Depreciation and Useful Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, the costs of the fixed assets should be recorded as an expense over their useful lives, since they depreciate and must be replaced once the end of their useful life is reached. Physical depreciation factors include wear and tear during use or from being exposed to such things as weather. Functional depreciation factors include obsolescence or changes in customer needs that cause the asset to no longer provide services for which it was intended or needed. When it comes to computing depreciation, there are three factors that determine the depreciation expense for a fixed asset: the asset’s initial cost, expected useful life, and estimated residual value. And there are also three different ways to calculate depreciation: the straight –line method, the units-of-production method, and the double-declining-balance method. The straight-line method of depreciation provides the same amount of depreciation expense for each year of the asset’s useful life, and is known to be the most commonly used method of calculating depreciation. The unit’s-of-production method of depreciation provides the same amount of depreciation expense for each unit of production. Based on what the asset is, the unit’s-of-production method can be expressed in terms of quantity produced, miles, hours, etc. and is often used when the fixed assets in service time or use varies from year to year. The double-declining-balance method of depreciation provides for a declining periodic expense over the expected useful life of the asset. The double-declining-balance method shows a higher depreciation in the first year of the asset’s use, followed by declining depreciation amounts in the years following, which is why this method is also referred to as an accelerated depreciation method. There are several different types of assets that depreciate over time. Depreciation refers to fixed assets, which exist physically, thus making them tangible assets. In some cases, there are assets that do not depreciate. An example of an asset that does not depreciate would be land since it has an unlimited useful life. If land has a limited useful life, as is the case with a quarry, then it is acceptable to depreciate it over its useful life. One example of an asset that would depreciate would be a MacBook Pro laptop. This is an asset that I would use the straight-line method for being that while computers and technology are constantly changing; devices such as MacBook Pro’s seem to consistently hold their value. Let’s say you purchased the MacBook Pro for $2800 with an expected useful life of 5 years and an estimated residual value of $700, according to the straight-line method of depreciation, it would be calculated as: Annual Depreciation = Cost –Residual Value = $2800-$700 = $420. 00 Useful life 5 Another example of an asset that would depreciate over time would be a vehicle. This is an asset that I would use the units-of-production method for being that the usage and mileage may vary from year to year. Let’s say you purchased the vehicle for $59,900 that is expected to have a useful life of 95,000 miles and an estimated residual value of $19,560, and during the year the vehicle was operated 21,000 miles. According to the units-of-production method of depreciation, it would be calculated as: Step 1: Depreciation per Unit = Cost –Residual Value = $59,900 -$19,560 = $0. 42 per mile Total Units of Production 95,000 miles Step2: Depreciation Expense=Depreciation per unit X Total Units of Production Used Depreciation Expense = $0. 42 X 21,000 Miles = $8,820 How to cite Depreciation and Useful Life, Papers
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