Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Ethical Leadership: What It Is and How We Use It in Schools Essay
With regards to the current century, when the whole course of life is changing a lot quicker than any time in recent memory, quickly expanding collection of information in different social statuses has made littler issues look amplified. Today, what is considered as a most significant essential of an arrangement or system might not have even been seen in the previous days. Accordingly, training is one space where difficulties of the here and now of decent variety are felt more than in some other zone. In this way instructive administration and initiative is one region that gets a decent arrangement of insightful consideration. With regards to administration, moral authority starts to lead the pack since today initiative in schools is something profoundly testing because of the various condition of social assorted variety, etc. The current paper cautiously analyzes the marvel of moral authority, and afterward causes observational examination as how it to can be utilized helpfully in schools for better results. For this reason, the current paper considers broad exploration with respect to moral initiative in schools. Today, the requirement for investigating the marvel of moral initiative in a scholastic domain has become a need particularly for those working at such positions: principals and instructors. The current author is an educator and thinks about that the investigation of moral administration is profoundly significant for proficient development and considerable outcomes with respect to preparing of understudies being instructed at any degree of schools. This examination, from now on, is valuable for proficient instructors, however it additionally incorporates justification for other related individuals in the field. It will likewise be advantageous for the regular peruser. Issue Statement On the presumptive worth, the wonder of moral authority stays an unpredictable territory which needs investigation for its better understanding and suggestion in reasonable manners in a school or school, and so forth. For instance, what is known from the detectable practices of pioneers like principals and instructors may not be adequate to stamp any strong proclamation as to the definition and ramifications of moral initiative. Notwithstanding, this is another hazy area to bring up that noticeable practices have not been completely examined in such manner. Various acts of initiative, state over the instructive setting of the United States of America, exist and should be deciphered for a complete investigation of morals and the utilization of morals to lead. As such it is imperative to address both these zones. From the express meaning of clarification of what moral authority is to how it tends to be best rehearsed to emphatically impact a scholarly situation is at the center of the issue. Various analysts have just dove into this territory; be that as it may, additionally burrowing is required. The current paper takes a gander at the issues from both the sides: from its clarification to its execution in most ideal conditions. Writing Review Available writing on moral administration yields a decent arrangement of data. The Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Craig, p. 256, 2000) states the accompanying clarification for morals: â€Å"What is morals? In the first place, the frameworks of significant worth and exclusively launched in the lives of specific gatherings of individuals are portrayed as the morals of these groups†. This definition reveals to us that moral authority is about practices that pioneers practice with respect to understudies concentrating in their organizations. It implies not only controlling the physical activities of the students yet affecting their qualities and customs in a positive manner. To Campbell (2000), â€Å"Ethics are norms by which one should act dependent on values. Qualities are center convictions, for example, obligation, respect, and respectability that persuade perspectives and actions†(p. 23). All things considered, moral initiative is something that targets tending to the issues of perspectives and strikes ethically the mentalities of laborers and understudies in such a way which decidedly incites elevated level of inspiration. As per Covrig, D. M. 2000), moral initiative â€Å"is the act of compelling moral dynamic and authority which reacts to, jelly and explains the organization’s guiding principle. Struggle and compromise recommend a sound good authoritative process†(p. 40). On the off chance that we take a gander at this definition, we will see that safeguarding and explaining an organization ’s basic beliefs is one significant factor that props the moral authority up. As such one just perceptible point here is that an association, state a school, will possibly hold fast to its basic beliefs just when these qualities are very much characterized and logged. In the event that the qualities are not very much characterized, no exertion will bring about safeguarding any worth in light of the fact that, as per the current author, there won't be any qualities worth referencing. This will, thus, give no positive criticism for the act of moral administration. Sergiovanni (1992) characterizes morals in the accompanying way: When reason, implicit agreement, and neighborhood school independence become the premise of tutoring, two significant things occur. The school is changed from an association to a covenantal network, and the premise of power changes from an accentuation on bureaucratic and mental position to moral power (p. 102). Encourage (1986) called attention to the genuine ramifications and criticalness of morals in instructive administration as he wrote that, â€Å"Each managerial choice conveys with it a rebuilding of human life: that is the reason organization at its heart is the goals of good dilemmas†(p. 33). This definition again advises us regarding the significance of managing esteems and good code of understudies as opposed to controlling them apparently so evident premise of character can be cultivated. The moral authority additionally addresses the pretended by staff and educators. This is a switch-over from customary perspectives about administration since they are just top-down. They think about impact regarding a mechanical procedure. Hashem (1997) sees that â€Å"The traditional administration ideas and practices which depend on top-down way of thinking, conclusiveness, dispassionate, and all out control have been tested by the transformational idea and all the more enabling practices†(p. 94). With regards to moral authority, ‘what is to be accomplished? ’ is the inquiry regularly posed by the basic eyes. The reason for moral initiative is to seed in understudies the certainty to manufacture or build information truly by tending to their common requests. Subsequently moral administration is constructivist in approach. As indicated by Henson (2004) by this methodology, understudies develop information through the procedure in which a cooperation between their observation about their insight and new information and thoughts and encounters that go to their method of learning. Along these lines the understudies practice most noteworthy conceivable model of moral realizing which is conceivable just if pioneers practice moral code to prepare their understudies. Introductory exploration worth-seeing around there joins as back to the past as the 1980s. Forty exactly directed investigations were looked into by Reid et al. 2004). They explored the effect of school heads on various parts of students’ working and teacher’s exercises. With respect to the initiative effect on understudies, they discovered uplifting perspectives of understudies to class, better scientific and understanding abilities, and non-attendance + vandalism were diminished. As to the effect of school pioneers on instructors, Reid at el. discovered that teachers’ fulfillment for work expanded; they utilized creative procedures in study hall. Furthermore, seven examinations were led by Majestic et al. 2004). These investigations additionally assert that authority by principals in schools decidedly affected students’ essential learning aptitudes and teachers’ mentality toward work fulfillment and work of development by them in homeroom settings. In any case, the analysts likewise concocted four extra sorts of effects. Andrews et al. (2002) likewise attempted an investigation in which they dissected scores picked up by understudies on state administered tests to inspect the impact of school pioneers. Instructors evaluated the ir principals on a band of solid, normal, and powerless pioneers. The discoveries introduced high connections between's what was accomplished and how solid moral authority of these pioneers was in both numerical and understanding abilities. Four significant territories were recorded in this investigation, which were straightforwardly or by implication compelling for the quality of moral administration. These were: (I) activation of human and material capital by principals to meet school’s targets; (ii) successful correspondence as to arranging the set-objectives; (iii) their dynamic inclusion in school’s showing practices; and (iv) the time range that these principals spent to make their quality known at school. These four territories are persuasive if the pioneers are at the highest point of the lattice, that is, on the off chance that they are attempting their level best to perform better in these four regions. To the extent faithfulness of instructors concerning their encouraging practices and authority impact down to understudies, the principals who had the capacity to address the ethical issues of both the staff and understudies were effective in achieving more elevated level of reliability from their educators (Spillane, 2004). All things considered, various school organizations have come to understand the significance of moral initiative just like the integral asset that can yield higher outcomes in understudies as to their learning as well as to the higher request thinking and good quality of these understudies as forthcoming individual residents. Presently the center ought to be the manner by which adequately these moral heads influence the course of learning of their understudies regarding the above just as in the current setting of evolving societies, social osmoses, self-idea in the quick paced world, feeling of network administration, etc. This ought to be our future schools (H
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Social Media Has a Negative Effect on Body Image and Self Esteem Essay Example For Students
Internet based life Has a Negative Effect on Body Image and Self Esteem Essay Internet based life has gotten one of the most well known wellsprings of correspondence for the forthcoming age. For youngsters experiencing childhood in today’s society, online life outlets, for example, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have given pictures and news that have become the primary thing that their eyes find toward the beginning of the day and the exact opposite thing that they see before bed. These photos have given unreasonable guidelines with respect to what is viewed as excellent in today’s society. As youngsters allude to these pictures as a type of correlation, it has made destructive conditions. These effects on the lives of youngsters have constrained them to take outrageous measures and sometimes, has been the reason for death. Web based life in today’s society has demonstrated to negatively affect the way youngsters, explicitly females, see their bodies. Ridiculous excellence measures, perilous correlations and clutters have all been an outc ome to the expansion in online networking and the effect that it has on the lives of youngsters. To start, web based life has made unreasonable guidelines for youngsters, particularly females. Being barraged by pictures of females wearing swimming outfits or insignificant attire that embodies their â€Å"perfect†bodies, hunching down an incredible measure of weight at an exercise center while being gaped at by the other gender or of supermodels presenting with some of life’s most alluring things has made a standard that numerous youngsters feel they have to satisfy. On the off chance that this standard isn’t came to, at that point it is accepted that they themselves are not satisfying the standards or the â€Å"standards†and afterward along these lines, they are not delightful. The article Culture, Beauty and Therapeutic Alliance examines the manner by which females are barraged with media messages beginning at a youthful age. On page 81 of this article, Carneiro et.al (2013) states that the romanticized ladies in today’s society are â€Å" white, thin, vulnerable, youthful, female, and submissive.†(p. 81) These norms are obviously spoken to in internet based life. From accounts on Instagram that empower things, for example, thigh holes, unfortunate wellness norms and sexual experiences, it’s engrained in the minds of youngsters that they should appear as though this so as to be effective and wanted. This article additionally talks about the manner in which negative measures are spoken to through things, for example, Barbie Dolls, which encompasses youthful females with unreasonable desires and makes and romanticized standard that is indeed, not perfect. (Carniero, 2013, p. 82) From the norms that are made through today’s web based life, it has made it another subculture and for certain individuals, another lifestyle. Because of the expansion in ubiquity of online networking, today’s age is shelled with unreasonable guidelines with regards to excellence. At the point when youngsters today first turn on their cellphones, as a general rule, they allude to an online networking website. Regardless of whether it’s the ever-mainstream Instagram, where individuals can post pictures and devotees can â€Å"like†to show their endorsement or post remarks. Or on the other hand, regardless of whether it’s Twitter, where individuals can post clever or motivating or enlightening things for their adherents to see and can be retweeted or favourited. Or on the other hand they could tap on the little blue Facebook symbol, where the entirety of the above can occur. These are probably the most well known web based life outlets today since youngsters are welcomed with moment delight. From likes, to top picks to retweets, these things represent power, expert sometimes and the most essential to youngsters today, endorsement. This need and want to be â€Å"wanted†by their companions in an on the web and shallow way has made another and separate subculture with regards to youngsters. In the article Women’s Exposure to thin-and-lovely Media Images: Body picture impacts of media perfect disguise and effect decrease developments (2005), the writers, Yamamiya et al. express that the normal ladies wants to be an inexorably littler size than in earlier years. (p.74) This demonstrates individuals, particularly young ladies, in today’s society have made another perfect with regards to the manner in which magnificence is seen and the expansion in web based life could be said thanks to for this. This article composed by Yamamiya et al. (2005) additionally presents some disturbing insights, to such an extent that â€Å"even a 5 min introduction to thin-and-delightful media pictures brings about a more negative self-perception state than does presentation to pi ctures of impartial articles, especially among young ladies with high media-perfect disguise levels and social examination tendencies.†(Yamamiya et al. , 2005, p.78) These insights demonstrate that all the pessimistic introduction of the female (and male) body via web-based networking media outlets truly has an unfavorable impact on the lives of youngsters. By being continually presented to these pictures and messages, it has made hazardous and now and then life changing results. .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 , .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 .postImageUrl , .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 , .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284:hover , .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284:visited , .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284:active { border:0!important; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284:active , .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uafd78f63fcbbf5 2946d19d82084e8284 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uafd78f63fcbbf52946d19d82084e8284:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Essay on The Impact of Social Media Upon RelationshipsAs introduced, online networking unmistakably has negatively affected the manner in which youngsters see their bodies. Because of these norms and the constrain set on youngsters to look a specific way, it has made numerous individuals resort to extraordinary estimates, for example, outrageous yoyo abstaining from excessive food intake, dietary issues and sometimes, plastic medical procedure. These are clearly exceptionally extraordinary, and now and again, lethal. Dietary problems, for example, bulimia nervosa and anorexia have both become common issue in today’s societ y. It appears as though any place anybody goes, accounts of individuals who persevere through these disarranges consistently are examined. As per Derenne and Beresin’s article Body picture, media, and dietary issues, they express that dietary issues, for example, the ones referenced above have been coming into the bleeding edge all the more as of late because of the increments in the entrance to media and all the more explicitly, internet based life. This article likewise examines the emotional builds that are occurring right now with regards to the insights of individuals who guarantee to have or have had any of the previously mentioned scatters. (Derenne Bersesin, 2006, p. 256) The expansion in these insights is clearly not a solid thing for youngsters or for society in general. This expansion additionally is a key factor in the making of another subculture, as referenced previously. This is on the grounds that as individuals begin to utilize undesirable techniques to accom plish bodies that are not â€Å"average†, it makes another standard. What's more, due to this new standard, others who see these pictures that are posted via web-based networking media outlets, for example, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and attempt to modify their bodies to copy what they see. This is an endless loop that frequently brings about individuals depending on unfortunate strategies, for example, eating fewer carbs and in outrageous cases, dietary issues, for example, bulimia nervosa, anorexia and gorging. Generally speaking, through the assessment and examination of these specific articles, obviously web-based social networking in today’s society has demonstrated to negatively affect the way youngsters, explicitly females, see their bodies. Web based life outlets, for example, Instagram, which presentations pictures that are posted by individuals who consequently, expect â€Å"likes†. Twitter, which permits individuals to present up on 140 characters to communicate how they’re feeling or what’s at the forefront of their thoughts and Facebook, which is a blend of the two of the previously mentioned have majorly affected the live of youngsters. These social networki
Sunday, August 2, 2020
How Anxiety May Affect Your Relationships
How Anxiety May Affect Your Relationships GAD Coping Print How Anxiety May Affect Your Relationships Are You Overly Dependent or Avoidant? By William Meek Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on October 27, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on November 05, 2019 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Noel Hendrickson / Digital Vision / Getty Images In This Article Table of Contents Expand Being Overly Dependent Combating Dependence Being Avoidant Combating Avoidance Treating Your Anxiety View All Having generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can negatively impact many aspects of your life, including your relationships. Here are two specific ways in which your anxiety can lead to problems maintaining connections with others, as well as strategies you can implement (under the guidance of a mental health professional) to help you navigate these unhealthy attachment patterns. Being Overly Dependent Some people with GAD have an intense desire for closeness to their partners (or friend), depending on them constantly for support and reassurance. Along with being overly dependent, people with GAD may find themselves prone to overthinking, planning for all worst-case scenarios, being indecisive, fearing rejection, and seeking out constant communication (and getting anxious if a partner or friend does not respond quickly).?? People with GAD and overly dependent relationships may also struggle with anger toward those they feel dependent on, acting out in ways that are destructive to their relationships. Combating Problematic Dependency If you find yourself developing overly dependent attachments, developing ways to cope with your anxiety and relying more on yourself for feeling better can take the pressure off your partner or friend. For instance, if you find yourself becoming angry or suspicious in these relationships, first remind yourself that this may be fueled by your anxiety. Then, take a few moments to think about any hard data (facts) that support your worry to try and regain some perspective. A therapist who specializes in a type of talk therapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you devise strategies on how to reassure yourself and take thoughtful action on your own, instead of needing your partner for comfort each time you are anxious.?? Being Avoidant On the other end of the spectrum, some people with GAD become avoidant of relationships as a way of dealing with their anxiety. They may avoid negative emotions (for example, disappointment or frustration) by not revealing their feelings, opening up, or being vulnerable. A person who is avoidant of close relationships may be experienced as cold, emotionally unavailable, lacking empathy, or even stand-offish, even though they may long for closeness. Combating Avoidance If you find yourself being overly distant in your relationships, cognitive behavioral therapy, alson with other types of therapy, such as psychodynamic psychotherapy, may be helpful. A mental health professional can help a person explore past and present relationships and the emotions surrounding those interpersonal connections.?? Treating Your Anxiety and Relationship Problems A therapist will also explore how GAD impacts your relationships. For instance, exploring your emotions more deeply may be a good strategy for someone who tends to be avoidant in relationships. On the flip side, this strategy may backfire for people who are more dependent on others and emotionally reactive. Its important to note that medication is also often an essential part of treatment for people with GAD. While the medications prescribed for anxiety, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, are not curative, they can help decrease your symptoms and help you feel better as you rework your anxious thoughts and behaviors with your therapist. A Word From Verywell While anxiety can be healthy (it can motivate people and/or help them sense danger within their environment), for people with GAD, their anxiety is overwhelming and debilitating, which can be extremely detrimental to relationships. But rest assured, with proper treatment, you can develop healthy, long-lasting, and fulfilling connections with others.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Use ABC Books All the Way Through High School
We often think of ABC books as being educational only for young children. However, alphabet books can be successfully used for students in the elementary grades all the way though high school. No, not your typical A is for apple, B is for bear books, but ABC book format. Using the ABC outline as a guide for writing allows for a creative, concise presentation of the subject matter and is versatile enough to use for nearly any age, ability level, or topic. What You’ll Need to Create an ABC Book ABC books are simple to make and dont require anything beyond basic supplies you probably already have in your home or classroom unless you want to get fancy with them. Youll need: A composition book or supplies for making your own book (such as a mini book or accordion book)​Pencil or penCrayons, markers, or other art medium for illustratingSample ABC books (The series, Discovering America State by State provides a wonderful example of how much or how little detail can be included in a book using the ABC format.) If you want to get a bit fancier, a blank book, available at craft stores or online retailers, is a good option. These books have a blank, hardback cover and blank pages, allowing students to customize and illustrate every aspect of the book. A book intended for journaling can also make a fabulous option for an ABC book. How to Write an ABC Format Book An ABC format book is an excellent alternative to a traditional written report and an ideal tool for review. By listing a fact for each letter of the alphabet – one letter per page of their book – students are pushed to think creatively (particularly for letters such as X and Z) and write concisely. The requirements for an ABC book can be adjusted based on a students age and ability level. For example: Elementary-aged students may be required to write one or two sentences for each fact, A-Z, or even. Primary grade students may even be required only to write, â€Å"A is for†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Older elementary and middle school students may be required to write a paragraph for each letter.High school students might have a lengthier expectation for written work or simply be expected to include greater detail. All ages should illustrate their work with the level of detail expected based on their age and ability level. How to Use ABC Books The ABC format allows for versatility across all subjects, from history to science to math. For example, a student writing an ABC book for science might choose space as his topic, with pages such as: A is for asteroidP is for planetZ is for zero gravity A student writing a math ABC book might include pages such as: F is for fractionG is for geometryV is for variable You may have to allow your students to be creative with some words, such as using words like eXtra or eXtremely for the letter X. Otherwise, those can be difficult pages to fill. When creating ABC books with students, consider using them as a long-term project over the course of a particular unit of study. For example, your students might spend six weeks on one ABC book. This time-frame provides time for students to spend a bit of time on the book each day. Suggest that students complete a rough outline on regular paper or in an extra composition book. They can add facts as they progress through the unit or lesson and spend time developing the concepts before transferring them to the final book and completing the illustrations. Encourage your students to complete their ABC book by creating a cover design and including an author page on the inside of the back cover. Dont forget your authors head shot! Students could even write a synopsis for the book on the back cover or inside the front cover, and ask their friends for review blurbs to include on the front or back cover. ABC books provide children with a framework for summarizing facts and details. This framework helps kids stay on track and flesh out the details of the summary without feeling overwhelmed. Not only that, but ABC books are a fun project for students of all ages and one that might even get your reluctant writers excited.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Pollution Regulations And Its Effects On The Pollution Of...
In the past, industry was a huge source of pollution in the Bay, along with sewage treatment plants. After regulations were put in place to correct these pollution point sources, local governments were required to establish and implement plans for improving the pollution from non-point sources and their impact on the TMDL. After years of committing to specific deadlines for a 40 percent reduction in nutrient pollution and missing those deadlines without consequences, the EPA took another approach, a mandatory pollution diet for the Bay that would include penalties for not progressing sufficiently. The â€Å"three recurring problems in the nonpoint source pollution regulatory framework deal with the voluntary participation, scientific and†¦show more content†¦In order to ethically evaluate the disaster of polluted runoff in The Chesapeake Bay, we would need to consider two different environmental ethical approaches in theory. The first approach to consider would be anthropoc entrism. John Nolt (2013) referred anthropocentrism to â€Å"human-centeredness†, where he claimed it to mean â€Å"For any action A, if we ought to do A, then doing A is good for humans†(p. 442), meaning to do what is good for humans. He discusses environmental ethics to be considered â€Å"value anthropocentrism†were all values are â€Å"ultimately human values and only human values have intrinsic value†(p. 443). The anthropocentrism approach only gives instrumental value to non-human living things, as to what value they have for humans, because they are not â€Å"morally competent beings†(p. 444). With this approach in mind, this would mean that deforestation is good, because building houses and roadways in their place is good for humans, instead of having natural runoff absorbing areas. Or overharvesting of crabs and oyster are good because it is for the greater good of watermen and restaurateurs livelihood and culture, instead of habitat a nd filtration of the Bay. Another approach to consider is biocentrism. â€Å"Moral biocentrism is the view that the property of being biologically alive is sufficient to confer moral standing on a thing; thus, on this view, the well-being of both sentient and nonsentient beings must be
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Depreciation and Useful Life Free Essays
Buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, computers, outdoor lighting, parking lots, cars, and trucks are examples of assets that will last for more than one year, but will not last indefinitely. Over time, these assets depreciate. Depreciation is defined as a non-cash expense that reduces the value of an asset as a result of physical or functional factors over time. We will write a custom essay sample on Depreciation and Useful Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, the costs of the fixed assets should be recorded as an expense over their useful lives, since they depreciate and must be replaced once the end of their useful life is reached. Physical depreciation factors include wear and tear during use or from being exposed to such things as weather. Functional depreciation factors include obsolescence or changes in customer needs that cause the asset to no longer provide services for which it was intended or needed. When it comes to computing depreciation, there are three factors that determine the depreciation expense for a fixed asset: the asset’s initial cost, expected useful life, and estimated residual value. And there are also three different ways to calculate depreciation: the straight –line method, the units-of-production method, and the double-declining-balance method. The straight-line method of depreciation provides the same amount of depreciation expense for each year of the asset’s useful life, and is known to be the most commonly used method of calculating depreciation. The unit’s-of-production method of depreciation provides the same amount of depreciation expense for each unit of production. Based on what the asset is, the unit’s-of-production method can be expressed in terms of quantity produced, miles, hours, etc. and is often used when the fixed assets in service time or use varies from year to year. The double-declining-balance method of depreciation provides for a declining periodic expense over the expected useful life of the asset. The double-declining-balance method shows a higher depreciation in the first year of the asset’s use, followed by declining depreciation amounts in the years following, which is why this method is also referred to as an accelerated depreciation method. There are several different types of assets that depreciate over time. Depreciation refers to fixed assets, which exist physically, thus making them tangible assets. In some cases, there are assets that do not depreciate. An example of an asset that does not depreciate would be land since it has an unlimited useful life. If land has a limited useful life, as is the case with a quarry, then it is acceptable to depreciate it over its useful life. One example of an asset that would depreciate would be a MacBook Pro laptop. This is an asset that I would use the straight-line method for being that while computers and technology are constantly changing; devices such as MacBook Pro’s seem to consistently hold their value. Let’s say you purchased the MacBook Pro for $2800 with an expected useful life of 5 years and an estimated residual value of $700, according to the straight-line method of depreciation, it would be calculated as: Annual Depreciation = Cost –Residual Value = $2800-$700 = $420. 00 Useful life 5 Another example of an asset that would depreciate over time would be a vehicle. This is an asset that I would use the units-of-production method for being that the usage and mileage may vary from year to year. Let’s say you purchased the vehicle for $59,900 that is expected to have a useful life of 95,000 miles and an estimated residual value of $19,560, and during the year the vehicle was operated 21,000 miles. According to the units-of-production method of depreciation, it would be calculated as: Step 1: Depreciation per Unit = Cost –Residual Value = $59,900 -$19,560 = $0. 42 per mile Total Units of Production 95,000 miles Step2: Depreciation Expense=Depreciation per unit X Total Units of Production Used Depreciation Expense = $0. 42 X 21,000 Miles = $8,820 How to cite Depreciation and Useful Life, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Caucasian Chalk Circle By Bertolt Brecht Essay Example For Students
The Caucasian Chalk Circle By Bertolt Brecht Essay The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt BrechtThe Caucasian Chalk Circle by Brecht uses epic theatre to bring forth an idea or meaning for the audience to consider while entertaining the audience. Epic theatre involves the use of alienation techniques to distance the viewer from the story but still concentrate on the overall meaning. The person who just views the story would likely take it as fantasy and not reach the true depth of the play. Brecht shocks the viewer by making the events and actions in the play strange and abstract this contrasts with dramatic plays where the audience sympathises and relates to the characters of the play. The theme throughout the play is natural justice versus class justice. The title has links to other parables and stories before it. The Chalk Circle, a Chinese play involved a legal action where the false claimant was granted custody due a bribe to claim her dead husbands estate. This however was overturned by the emperor, the guarantor of the law, in a retrial as the emperor was the father. This particular story is a whisper to the result of Grushas trial. The emperor is portrayed as the epitome of justice and gives a true verdict. The trial scene is also adapted from the parable of King Solomon. Solomon the paragon of justice and truth oversees the trial of two mothers, one child is dead the other alive, they seek custody of the alive child. The king asks the child to be cut in half, the real mother relinquishes her claim and thusgains custody of her rightful child. In these two whispers the law is shown to be equated with justice, however Brecht seeks to highlight that within Grusinia this is not the case and it takes a greedy Azdak who despises the upper classes to give a just verdict. We will write a custom essay on The Caucasian Chalk Circle By Bertolt Brecht specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The class justice presented in the novel has close links to the Marxist view of the law, with the law serving all, but in reality it protects and secures the interests of the ruling classes. The play seeks to emphasise that within this class justice the poor can only gain justice under exceptional circumstances. Azdak as the judge and arbiter of justice has come to this position only through a matter of chances and mistakes. Firstly he harbours the Grand Duke from Shauva, then he confesses to the Ironshirts only to be made judge because the Duke escaped. Then through shear chance just before his execution the Duke redeems him and makes him judge, finally making him the arbiter of justice between Natasha Abashvilli and Grusha. This shows that the poor class can only get justice under a system of whims and extraordinary circumstances and thatjustice is intrinsically linked to a series of chances and not linked to the law as it should be in a feudal regime. Azdak finally decides in Grus has favour on the spur of the moment, the chalk circle is a real test, and it is through this test that Azdak decides the childs fate. In order to entertain the audience, Brecht sought to keep the verdict in flux, keeping the audience in suspense as to the final outcome. Azdak although seen as the arbiter of justice between Natasha Abashvilli and Grusha is shown throughout the play as greedy and corrupt when dealing with the upper classes. The humour that Azdak displays toward the upper class is entertaining, he constantly refers to them as arse-holes.. sows.. well-born stinkers. This anal imagery is continued right through the novel. Azdak is so disgusted by the odours the upper classes emit that he occasionally before passing judgement, I went out and sniffed the roses. This helps Azdak give the verdicts he gives to the monied classes such as the Invalid, and the landowner. He swindles them into giving him money for a bribe then turns about and gives a contradicting verdict against the upper classes. This duplicity when passing judgement is seen by the audience but the lower classes see that for once the law is on their side. This is the final hint that Grusha will get the child, as she is good for the child and will continue to do good for the chi ld, contrasting to Natasha Abashvillas intent to get the child only to keep her late husbands estate. The singer sums up the meaning of the entire play, linking the prologue with the stories of Azdak and Grusha. That what there is shall belong to those who are good for it, thus the children to the maternal, that they thrive; the carriages to good drivers, that they are driven well; and the valley to the waterers, that it shall bear fruit. Brecht in the play seeks to highlight the difference between justice and the law within Grusinia. The feudal society, or Marxist society, is shown to have harder implications for the poor than the even distribution of wealth which is the main emphasis of the Marxist state. The Marxist law is not equated with justice for all rather justice for the upper classes, or class justice, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
American Culture and Childhood
American Culture and Childhood Introduction Action figures, dolls and cartoons are an ubiquitous part of the childhood of most people within the U.S., with various individuals owning/ watching some variation of these aspects of popular culture in one form or another. Based on various studies of childhood development children actually looked up to and tried to emulate the attitudes and characteristics of the cartoons they saw on television.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on American Culture and Childhood specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When examining past and current trends in cartoons, action figures and dolls a rather strange phenomenon was noticed wherein over the years since the 1980s action figures and cartoon heroes took on greater degrees of musculature and size resulting in almost freakishly large heroes as compared to their counterparts prior to the 1980s. Even dolls for girls took on greater degrees of overtly sexual characteristics with e mphasis being placed on looks, sexuality and fashion. Behavioral Development While most individuals merely categorized this as a changing trend which was a direct result of the shifting nature of popular culture it must be noted that such changes had a distinct impact on the mannerisms, attitudes and manner in which children believed they should act and mature into. Studies examining the resulting developmental characteristics of children who grew up prior to the overly muscular and sexual trend of the 1980s showed nearly opposite developmental beliefs compared to children who grew up during and after the 1980s trend. It was noted that male children who grew up during and after the trend developed the notion that being overly muscular was normal and a state to develop into. It was a notion that was completely at odds with the idea of children who grew up prior to the trend who believed an average non-muscular physique was normal and what should be attained. This particular differenc e was also noted in female children who believed that the overtly sexual style and concentration on appearance, fashion and sexuality was what they needed to become in order to be considered normal as compared to the popular notions among children prior to the 1980s which showcased a vastly different and more conservative view on what was considered normal. Cultural Impact What must be understood is that the resulting cultural impact of the change in the depiction of toys and cartoon heroes into either overly muscular or overly sexual characters was noted as being one of the reasons behind the prevalence of various individual behavioral characteristics today such as the belief that looking muscular will make a person popular, that overly sexualized clothing is normal and that violence is a regular aspect of life. While it may be true that such characteristics do not define a majority of the population it is still prevalent in large percentages with various studies confirming that on e of the reasons behind their prevalence is their connection to the trend mentioned throughout this paper that began in the 1980s and continues to this day.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gender Roles Another aspect to take into consideration were the various methods in which gender roles were established at the time of the trend. It was noted that while various cartoons and toys for young girls did place an emphasis on sexuality with toys today possessing even greater levels than they did before, they also placed emphasis on various aspects related to female independence and the importance for girls to become independent from relying on men. Cartoons and action figures geared towards young boys on the other hand gave a more traditional version of gender roles wherein women were often portrayed as needing saving and being dependent on men resulting in the development of the early onset idea that women are inherently in need of and are dependent on the help of a man. These differing portrayals could be considered one of the reasons behind the apparent split in attitudes between men and women characterized during the early 1990s to the present wherein differing ideas existed between perceived responsibilities and gender roles as noted by various studies examining behavioral and thought characteristics of adolescents at the time.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Something to Remember You By
Something to Remember You A lock of hair might be fitting (albeit obsolete, overly sentimental, and just plain weird.) A wallet photo maybe? Awkward. So what could you possibly give an editor or agent at a conference to help them remember you or your project once they shuffle back into their office the following Monday? I’ll tell you: The author one sheet. I recently attended a writer’s conference in which I was scheduled to pitch my new novel. To better my odds, I researched book pitches, and discovered the one sheet – a single-paged marketing document, aka author one sheet or pitch sheet, which describes a person, project, or concept. Brilliant! When one considers how many book pitches an editor or agent has endured, or how many queries and manuscripts they have likely slogged through in their career, the odds of an author or book standing out – being remembered – are not great. Anything you can get into an agent’s hands to take back with them from a conference will help, other than handing them your complete manuscript, of course. You’d never bring a manuscript to a conference, right? Everything you’ve ever read and heard has stated unequivocally not to. (Admit it – you brought it anyway.) Some one sheets are more elaborate, including word count, genre, endorsements, and agent name and contact info – designed more for promoting already-published works. Or you could opt for one more basic, including only information that one would find on a back cover of a novel. I chose the latter, since I was seeking publication. At the very least, your one sheet should include: Book title Logline/hook – One sentence that describes the concept of your book, and gets their attention. (My entire novel was easier to write.) Blurb – Short 3-4 sentence paragraph that describes your book and defines genre/audience. Who is the protagonist, what do they want, what’s in their way, and most of all, what makes your story unique? Think â€Å"back cover.†Author
Monday, February 17, 2020
Introduction to business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14
Introduction to business - Essay Example The expansion and diversification of consumer market with time has established the need for employing a diversified workforce that can satisfy the diversified demand of today’s consumer. The world’s demography is changing constantly, now no country is a complete blend of one race and ethnicity. Due to increased migrations, the minorities are increasing in world developing countries. With all of these changes, it has become important for countries to have a diverse workforce that represents all aspect of the society; this representation projects a better image of the organization in the society. A major advantage of an organization attempting to acquire diverse workforce is that it have access to a large pool of candidates by which it can hire the best possible person for the job. An organization that places importance on skills and talent over characteristics like age, gender, race etc is able to achieve competitive advantage over other organizations. Another advantage of diverse workforce besides projection of better image is that it helps diversified consumer to believe that they share common grounds with the company and it helps to increase their trust in the organization. Furthermore, employees with different perspective can provide the organization with different and varied objectives helping to identify unmet needs and new opportunities. Recruitment of a diversified workforce and creating a welcoming environment for these employees helps to increase motivation and commitment of employees towards the organization. This is because these employees feel valued. Recognition and acceptance of an employee’s unique perspective helps to create a comprehensive work environment, which is very beneficial for the organization. It is evident from the above discussion that the benefits of a diversified workforce far out-weigh the cost of it. It is an essential utensil for
Monday, February 3, 2020
Report on the Financial State of Affairs of Central Pool and Taff View Assignment
Report on the Financial State of Affairs of Central Pool and Taff View Pool - Assignment Example The important factor for consideration both in the case of Central Pool as well as Taff View is that there seems to be an immediate need for the sales to be enhanced since there is gross underutilization of the operating assets. This is evidenced by the Ratios of Operating Profit to Operating assets and the Sales to Operating assets. As against the ratio of operating assets to operating profit of 21% in the case of Field Park it is 1.55% and 4.60% for Central Pool and Taff View respectively. These ratios are very low. Similarly, the ratio of sales to operating assets is only 1.10%... We can review this report together once you have gone through the basics. We can take up from there for the implementation of any suitable plan of action for the overall financial improvement of the units concerned. The important factor for consideration both in the case of Central Pool as well as Taff View is that there seems to be an immediate need for the sales to be enhanced since there is gross underutilization of the operating assets. This is evidenced by the Ratios of Operating Profit to Operating assets and the Sales to Operating assets. As against the ratio of operating assets to operating profit of 21% in the case of Field Park it is 1.55% and 4.60% for Central Pool and Taff View respectively. These ratios are very low. Similarly, the ratio of sales to operating assets is only 1.10% for Central Pool and 1.34% for Taff View, whereas the same ratio for Field Park is 2.80%. Comparatively the ratios for Central Pool and Taff View are poor. Similarly, the profitability of both Taff View and Central Pool is well below the comparative profitability of Field Park. This is quite obviously exhibited by the operating profit to sales ratio of both facilities. The operating profit to sales ratios stands at 1.41% for Central Pool and 3.44% for Taff View. These are very low as compared to the ratio of 7.60% for Field Park signifying the profitability of both the facilities is not up to the mark.Â
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Construction Project Cost Estimation Factors
Construction Project Cost Estimation Factors Construction project estimations are priced using a bill of quantities this is a detailed description of the items needed to finish the product and their costs. The first and foremost purpose of estimating is basically to set a budget for contract work. This budget is to be kept all the way through the project and is a guess of what the project on a whole will cost it should not be breached or the project is considered a failure and usually results in a loss of money. Another reason that an estimate is given is so that the contractor can obtain competitive prices from a range of companies to do the work that is needed say for instance if one company gave an estimate way lower than another competing company then obviously the contractor is going to pick the company with the lowest estimate (however the standard of materials and work comes into this also); this is how negotiations work. An estimate is given so that the company or contractor can see weather a profit can be made from the job and in construction profit is everything. If you are not going to make a profit on the job in hand there is no point taking it on. In order to prepare a detailed estimate the estimator must have with him the following data: Plans, sections and other relevant details of the work. Specifications indicating the exact nature and class of materials to be used. The rates at which the different items of work are carried out. To enable an estimator to take out the quantities accurately, the drawings must themselves be clear, true to the fact and scale, complete, and fully dimensioned. The estimator has also to bear in mind certain principles of taking out quantities. When creating the estimate the estimator must separate the costs into different sections. There are preliminary costs, net costs and gross costs Preliminary Cost The preliminary part of a bill of quantities is the section that provides a description of the project, the contractors general facilities and setup and running costs. If work is disrupted for reasons out of the contractors control, recurring costs are often used to calculate compensation for the extension on the contract period. Plant, Tools and Vehicles are included in the preliminary stage of the bill of quantities. The contractor will include the cost of buying or maintaining machinery, tools and vehicles in the preliminary section of an estimate or a bill of quantities. Also the cost of erecting, inspecting and maintaining scaffolding for a project is included in the preliminaries section. The cost will always depend on the surface area of the structure, the length of time the scaffolding is erect and the type of building that is being built. Part of the assessment of a contractors site costs will include the non-productive staff required to administer a site. This generally will include a site manager, an engineer, a store man, a safety officer and a general foreman. Site Services The preliminaries of a construction project include the costs of installing site toilets, changing rooms, offices, water and electricity, temporary roads and the installation of site security. Within a company gross profit is very important because it shows how efficiently management uses labour and supplies in the production process. More specifically, it can be used to calculate gross profit margin. If we as a company are not making a gross profit then basically we dont have a company. This magnifies why an estimate is important because we know roughly how much we are going to make when we do a project. Therefore we must know how much we are going to spend so we can look at the correlation of the two figures and see weather the project is worth doing. Net Costs The net cost is the cost of all of the basic things you need on site to complete the job in hand. This includes labour; the wages for all of the staff and the facilities they use including food, shelter and first aid. Also all of the equipment they use. The cost of plant material also ties in with the net cost but this will all depend on the type of job you are doing; say you are building a high rise building with several floors then a large crane will be needed this obviously costs a lot of money to hire out by the hour meaning that a large sum will be added onto the estimate in comparison to building a smaller building that will need smaller less expensive plant. Materials also come into the estimation of the net cost. The materials need to be well thought out before the project begins. They must be effective for there cause and there cost. When doing an estimation the estimator must find competitive rates for materials that are to the buyers specification. The cost of these will a ll be added to the estimation. Gross Profit The definition of gross profit is: Calculated as sales minus all costs directly related to those sales. These costs can include manufacturing expenses, raw materials, labour, selling, marketing and other expenses. Within a company gross profit is very important because it shows how efficiently management uses labour and supplies in the production process. More specifically, it can be used to calculate gross profit margin. If we as a company are not making a gross profit then basically we dont have a company. This magnifies why an estimate is important because we know roughly how much we are going to make when we do a project. Therefore we must know how much we are going to spend so we can look at the correlation of the two figures and see weather the project is worth doing. Overheads are also included into the estimation. These are costs that cannot be controlled such as water gas and electric bills. These are hard to calculate as we never know how much there going to cost. Rent is also a good example. Single rate estimation This method of estimation is used usually by national bodies such as schools and hostpitals for measuring and estimating the cost of large floor areas. It is a usefull way of estimation when a quick cost range is needed in the early stages of design. However it is very difficult to change costs to fit different projects in different locations. So say you know it costs  £1000 to floor 1 room of a hotel and you have a budget of  £50000 then you know you can build 50 rooms that are all the same. Also when you have a set design for these types of buildings such as Holiday Inns do you know it will always be the same where ever you are Other types of buildings that this type of estimating is useful for are factory units, hotels, hostels, houses that are all the same deign and retail buildings. The floor area method is given in m ² the reason why this method is so popular is because of how simple it is. Plus most contractors know the way in which it works and are very used to the idea. It takes previous buildings that have been designed that are similar to give designers and builders a guideline on how to construct other buildings that are the same. P4 Identify and explain those factors that affect the percentage profit margins, those that affect the output of labour and those that affect the hourly/idle rates for a variety of plant items. Labour Rates There are calculations that have to be made when undergoing a project to establish a rate that the estimator can use to price the tender works which recovers all the costs involved in employing labour directly. The reason this is done is if you had employed a worker on site for  £12.00 an hour is that all you will be paying him, obviously not; there are more things that need to be included and taken into account when calculating that costs of labour. The basic rate of pay has to be agreed with both company and worker; this includes any holiday pay or sick pay that will be taken due to entitlement. Workers will still be paid for these days. Weather can restrict when workers can do the work meaning they may not get paid for some hours of the day or even the whole day. Also the employers national insurance contribution needs to be made as well as payments to the CITB (construction Industry Training Board). And, finally any bonuses that are given to the worker as extra incentives. To calculate the cost of labour per hour we must take all of the above into consideration however, one more piece of information is required, this is the output rates for labour. How fast can a brick layer lay bricks? If your paying a man by the hour, how long will it take for him to finish the job. The idea behind this calculation is to really see if its worth hiring in to do the job because obviously some workers are better than others. If you can establish the the output rate of labour, then you can calculate the cost of labour per unit of brickwork(for example). This can be applied to the tender prices. Output rates can be estimated in one of two ways. Carrying out work studies where bricklayers are timed to see how many bricks they can lay in an hour. Or using output tables from work done in the past can provide information on how long work took or on unit output rates. Plant Expenses Plant in construction can be very expensive to hire and own and even operate. It is the estimators job to be able to give a guide on how much it will cost for plant on any specific job. There are two ways of providing plant for construction sites. These are if the company decide to purchase the plant (this means they must operate and service it) or hire in the plant externally or internally. Operating costs are those that are time related. If the plant was owned by a company the calculation and estimation of how much the operating costs would be would include the amount of fuel used. This would have to be done using a consumption rate of the plant. Also any repairs on punctures etc. These will occur rarely and at random and are added in to recover costs. Also operating costs must be considered. The umber of hours that it is operating will obviously cost more in energy and make for more breakages. When hiring plant there more aspects required to take a note of there are deliver costs to think about. If your site is in the city it may be hard to get it to your site so alternative methods of transport are used but usually low loaders and tractors are used nevertheless all of these methods cost money. Erection costs are also something to think about, if it is a crane that you need then this is going to take time to erect, and time equals money not to mention the labour involved. Also when everything is finished removal costs come into place and these need to be noted and change the percentage profit in the long run The worst thing that can happen to a site manger is when he has expensive plant lying around and not doing anything; this wastes a lot of money, mainly through rental costs. The rate of rental costs per hour is very expensive as we know. The unit rate of calculation for an item of plant will depend on a number of things. The ground conditions are important, weather there are trained operators. If not then hiring someone new or investing in training is needed (training would be needed for at least 2 people to account for the absent). The dimensions of the height and reach of the plant material is also accounted for. The higher and longer the plant is the more it costs for example a crane costs more than a small digger. Finally the reliably plays an important role in how much plant costs. If you are hiring or buying brand new plant machinery then its obviously going to cost more. All of these things take off and put on percentage to the overall percentage profit. M3 Overheads and On Costs Overhead is business term that refers to fixed costs that a business incurs so that production is continued. Overheads can be cut if limits to production are made, or if production is halted completely, although some overheads are incurred whether there is and production or not. Overhead expenses are all costs on the income statement except for direct labor, direct materials direct expenses. Overhead expenses include accounting fees, advertising, depreciation, insurance, interest, legal fees, rent, repairs, supplies, taxes, telephone bills, travel and utilities costs. In construction the overheads of a company are the costs that must be met in order to be able to run the head office. These are things such as; departmental costs (buying the department) and insurances, also paying for company cars and basic IT equipment. They are basically costs you cant control such as wages, electricity, gas or office rent, usually you will have to recover them because they include admin. Most medium sized construction organisations recover the cost of these each year spread over the turnover of the project; this can be added as a percentage addition but may vary according to your turnover. Just the same as any other aspect of construction work this has to be added into the estimation at the start of a job and must be met from somewhere. So a percentage is used to signify the cost of these necessities. The calculation involved takes the total value of the companys overheads per year and then the turnover and divide them two totals and finally times the number by 100%. This will give us the percentage to add to tender. This percentage will always be applied to future estimates unless the turnover drops. There are a few other ways that the overheads can be set up so that the value is always known. By not including them, but using an increased profit margin to cover their costs will reconcile the overheads. But, for larger and more well-known companies working on larger projects we can move the head office into small cabins that are positioned on the site this allows us to recover the costs of overheads through the preliminaries. The turnover that comes from a company will rise and fall from year to year. It goes without saying that the risks you take and the work efficiency of your company will change all the time. No year will ever be the same as the last one; it can be similar in terms of jobs and projects and contract pricing but will usually never be the same. Risks that we take are a massive factor to the turnover. Some risks are worth it and some go wrong, thats the risk we take to get more money. As a leader of a company we have to make the right decisions when risking and always be level headed and think everything through so that in the end we make money. Work efficiency also plays a massive part in annual turnovers. Being efficient can save money and make more of a difference to your profit margins than you may think. Lastly when pricing is competitive with in the industry this takes affect. As a company you may need to lower your prices to be able to sign a deal. If you dont then you wont get a de al and you wont get work done, meaning you wont make money. When the turnover of a company drops, you loose not only profit but you loose money on overheads as well this is because the turnover will drop with proportion with the percentage. However, on the other hand if the turnover rises this can create money to compensate for overheads as mentioned earlier. In the preliminaries there are fixed and time related changes that must be considered. In SMM7 we see that these two types of charges are identified separately. A fixed charge is the cost of the work that is independent on duration and a time related charge is the cost that is dependant on others over duration.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Principles Of Communication In An Adult Social Care Setting
Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between individuals using the service, their carers, colleagues and other practitioners. By having effective communication within a service you can encourage active participation from the service users, carers, colleagues and anyone else using the service. If effective communication is used, you are able to promote empathy and reach a shared understanding.Identify three ways of finding out the communication and language needs of an individual Asking the individual – You would be immediately be able to establish their most effective way of communicating. By observing the individual – You would be able to visually see if they need any aid to communicate Asking friends and family – They will be able to inform you of the most effective way to communicate and the most preferred by the individual Looking at the individuals care plan – You would be immediately i nformed off the preferred method of communication and the way in which is best to communicate with the individualDescribe three factors to consider when promoting effective communication There are many different factors that need to be considered when using effective communication. You need to establish whether the person needs any aids to assist them when communicating. Once you have established this, you need to find the best possible way to communicate with them. The way in which you approach that person, does your body language need to be considered or your tone of voice? This could be so you make the person feel as comfortable as possible to ensure you they are reading your body language correctly.The environment may need to be adjusted, for example , loud noises or flashing lights could distract the person ,which could lead to ineffective communication. AV – Describe three verbal and three no verbal communication methods and styles that a social care worker may use in a n adult social care setting. Verbal – Vocabulary, knowing what vocabulary to use and not to use needs to be remembered as the person you are speaking to may not understand. Verbal – The tone of your voice is very important as the individual could misinterpret what you are trying to say.Verbal – You need to ensure you are both speaking in the right language. Non Verbal – The use of written words is beneficial to communicate with someone who is deaf or someone who is unable to talk. Non Verbal – The use of body language is important as this can be misinterpreted by other people. Non Verbal – Eye contact is important as it can reassure the other person that you are listening to them. Avi – Explain why it is important to respond to an individual’s reactions during communication When you are communicating with someone it is important that you respond the correct way using different methods.This can reassure the individual that you u nderstand them and can show that you are showing empathy. If you did not show any response to that individual, it could lead them to becoming frustrated or distressed as they may feel you do not understand them and they are enable to convey what they are trying to say. They may feel they cannot communicate with you which could lead to lack of confidence with in you. Avii – Explain how an individual’s background can influence the way they communicate. The individual that you are communicating with may only speak their native language.Gestures that they use may be different. They may respond to touching for example holding someone’s hand of hugging. The tone of voice that is used may be different to what they are used to. Aviii – Identify three examples of barriers to communicate and explain how you could over come each barrier. A Noisy environment, which could distress the individual. – The environment should be adjusted accordingly prior to your me eting with the individual. Communication Aids, if not used to could prevent communication – You need to check which communication aids are needed.You need to check whether they are working, does the individual need a medical review, is that the correct aid for that person. Not allowing enough time to listen, this could stop the individual being able to communicate their needs – Finding time to listen to the individual , if they take a while to communicate , ensure you have freed up enough time, ensure you are being patient and are aware. Aix Describe two strategies you could use to clarify misunderstandings. Once you have communicated with an individual you could respond with a summarisation to clarify that you have understood.If you have not this could allow the person to correct you. If you are ensure of what someone has tried to communicate with you, you could seek clarification from another person involved with the individual. Ax A social care worker wants to enabl e more effective communication with individual’s using the service. Explain how they could access extra support or services that may be helpful. You could seek extra support from the individual’s family and friends, they may be able to help with information on the preferred method of communication and why they like using this to help you understand.Support could include attending GP appointments with that person regarding their communication needs. Speaking to their social worker who may be able to help with background information. Attending support groups to see how the individual communicates with other people. Speech and language services may be of help to educate you with different techniques and methods of communication. Translation services may help if you do not speak the individual’s language. Task B Bi How would you explain the term confidentiality to Hannah?I would explain to Hannah that confidentiality is that Hannah’s information should be tre ated confidently at respectively at all times. That Hannah’s confidential information can be shared when it is needed to ensure effective care is delivered. Also, that Hannah has the right to object to her confidential information being shared and this will be respected. Before any information has been shared to anyone involved within her care, this would have been explained and she would have needed to agree to her information being shared to benefit her health.There may be times when there are other obligations and duties that outweigh the obligations to confidently. This would purely be for the benefit of Hannah’s care. To reassure Hannah, I would explain that all staff have to follow policies and procedures on a daily basis ,to ensure confidently rules are followed and her information is treated with respect. Bii – Describe the possible tensions that may arise between telling others of Hannah’s decision and keeping this information totally confidently . Confidently could be breached as the wrong person could receive confidential information.Hannah could feel that her personal information is not being respected. There could be safeguarding issues as Hannah’s health could be affected. Biii – Describe ways to maintain confidentiality in day to day communication. When discussing an individual it is important that there are not people present who should not be. When passing on information it is vital that you check the identity of the person who is receiving the information. Always keeping written records safe and do not leave files lying around for other people to access.When having private conversations always ensure you have privacy. Do not discuss person information outside of work. Biv – Explain when and how a social care worker should get advice about confidentiality. If you are unsure if you are passing on confidential information to the right people or need some clarification, you could refer to you confid entiality policy within your workplace for information and guidance. If you felt that you or someone else has breach confidentiality within your workplace you could seek help and advice from your line manager.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Rationality And Sentimentalism Wives Heroic And Pitiful...
Rationality and Sentimentalism: Wives Heroic and Pitiful In spite of the fact that neither Penelope nor Jocasta is the protagonist in the two great works Odyssey and Oedipus, the two characters both play important roles in driving the plots ahead, significantly contributing to the completely different fates of their husbands, Odysseus and Oedipus. Jocasta is a typical representative of the group of women who are passive and dependent. She inevitably falls victim to the male world, in that she fades into the background of the play and is marginalized under the masculine value system. Penelope, on the contrary, is a model of the active and dynamic female image. She is intelligent and courageous enough to act on her own free will and to display her talents at the center of the male stage. Instead of complying to the given adversity, she withstands the pressure of public opinions and takes initiative to convert her unfavorable situation. Consequently, the successful return of Odysseus and the miserable banishment of Oedipus are not unpredictab le under these circumstances. The sharply contradictory decisions of Penelope and Jocasta illustrate evidently the remarkable influences the wives have on their husbands’ destinies. Penelope, as the wife of Odysseus, symbolizes the sweet and warm home that wanderer Odysseus yearns to return and also the irreplaceable history and memories of Odysseus. Hence, the actions that Penelope takes should be considered a significant component of
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Bulimia Nervosa And Non Purging Bulimia - 820 Words
Bulimia nervosa, also called bulimia is a possible life threating eating disorder. A person that suffers from bulimia may secretly binge their food. They may eat large amount of food and then purge their food to get rid of the additional calories that they’ve digested. Bulimia is categorized in two ways, purging bulimia and non-purging bulimia. Purging bulimia is when a person regularly self-induces vomiting after eating. Non-purging bulimia is when an individual may use other methods to try to prevent weight gain, such as fasting, extreme dieting, or overly exercising. When a person has bulimia they may judge their self and their flaws. Up to 80% of people self-induced vomiting while the 30% of people use laxatives. They’re some risk to using other methods to binge. Using laxatives for a longtime can cause the lead to potassium depletion and dehydration. Another risk is that the bowel can become unresponsive. Some may use diuretics or ‘water pills’. Diure tics works by getting rid of the body water, therefore it could decrease bloating. In addition it can induce electrolyte or salt imbalances that can lead to a disturbance in the heart rhythm. There are many signs to show whether a person suffers from bulimia nervosa. For an example, if there is a withdrawal of large amounts of food in a short time period. If you see the individual take frequent trips the restroom. Another sign will be excessive exercise regardless of weather, fatigue, illness, or the uncontrollableShow MoreRelatedBulimia Nervosa As A Mental Disorder904 Words  | 4 PagesBulimia Nervosa was first characterized as a mental disorder in 1979 by Gerald F.M. Russell. Bulimia nervosa was initially a variant of anorexia nervosa, but now the disease has its own symptoms, and is distinguished as a psychiatric condition (Palmer, 2005). Bulimia Nervosa seems to occur in adolescents and women between the ages of 14-40. The percentage of men suffering from the disease are ab out 10% (Farrar, 2014). Patients suffering from the disease place an excessive importance in body imageRead MoreEating Disorders : Bulimia Nervosa1383 Words  | 6 PagesBulimia Nervosa â€Å"Up to 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder†(Wade, Keski- Rahkonen, Hudson, 1995). There are many factors which contribute to the development of eating disorders including â€Å"biology, emotional health, and societal expectation, and other issues†(â€Å"Diseases and Conditions Bulimia nervosa†). One of the most prominent eating disorders in America and around the globe has been around since the Middle Ages: â€Å"Bulimia is first reliably described amongRead MoreBulimia Nervos A Psychological Disease1186 Words  | 5 PagesBulimia Nervosa Introduction Bulimia nervosa is one kind of most observe digestion disease in which generally person eat large amount of food within short period of time. After taking food ,after person feel eiltty ownself so person try remove the excess food from body or sometime person do the long fasting and excessive amount of exercise (book). However, many author describe bulimia nervosa as a psychological disease (Rushing, Jones, Carney,2003). This disorder moreRead MoreBulimia Nervos Eating Disorder1271 Words  | 6 Pages Bulimia Nervosa Presenting Problem Bulimia Nervosa, also referred to as Bulimia, or Binge-Purge behavior, is an eating disorder in which an individual will engorge themselves with unusually large amounts of food in a short amount of time and purge later. Between eating binges, a person with Bulimia Nervosa will tend to restrict their caloric intake, and by their own preference select foods in which they believe are seemingly â€Å"low in calories†. Often, an individual may feel out of control duringRead MoreEating Disorders And Their Effects On Victims Of Them1281 Words  | 6 Pagescause of eating disorders. They are often paired with other afflictions like depression, anxiety, and abuse. There are three most common eating disorders that will be discussed in this essay, the first one being discussed is anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is defined as an eating disorder in which people suffer an obsession over their weight and body image, resulting in self-starvation and exaggerated weight loss. Many suffering with anorexia severely restricted the types and amount of foodRead MoreA Brief Note On Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Nervosa1280 Words  | 6 PagesAnorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa Eating disorders are classified as mental disorders and can lead to life threatening damage. It is important to manage eating disorders to prevent health effects. There are many different possibilities for patients with disorders. Common treatments for eating disorders can consists of counselor or therapists. Early detection is important to limit future oral health effects. A dental hygienist has an advantage to see the inside of the mouth for possible traumaRead MoreEating Disorder : Anorexia Nervosa1622 Words  | 7 Pages Bulimia Nervosa To be diagnosed with eating disorder, someone must meet certain criteria. The criterion for diagnosis slightly varies depending on if you are referring to people who (A) fear gaining weight, and have significant weight loss,(B) eating a huge amount of food , then use laxative to remove the binged food, (C) the use of excessive exercise and fasting in order to remove or to reduce the amount of calories consumed, and (D) distorted body image, no matter how thin they become, theyRead MoreEffects Of Binge Eating On Eating Disorders969 Words  | 4 PagesPurging Disorder is characterized by recurrent purging (self -induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) to control weight or shape in the absence of binge eating episodes. (Forney, Haedt-Matt, Keel, 2014) There are many behaviors associated with purging disorder such as binge eating which leads to loss of control, or overeating in anorexia nervosa. (Goldschmidt et al., 2015) Sociocultural and psychiatric factors are also believed to be important in the subject of weight concernsRead More Eating Disorders Essay746 Words  | 3 Pagesmutilation as a way to relieve pain or stress. Food or the denial of food becomes the drug of choice and is used to numb painful feelings. There are three main types of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, also known as compulsive eating disorder. Anorexia Nervosa is an extremely abnormal fear of gaining weight, a distorted self image, a refusal to eat and severe weight loss. Ninety-five to eighty-five percent of cases of anorexia in the United States areRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Eating Disorders Essay939 Words  | 4 PagesAre Pain Thresholds Elevated in DSM III - R Chronic Bulimia Patients? While not discussed in class, eating disorders are an incredibly important psychological condition that affects millions of people. One of the most well known eating disorders is Bulimia. Bulimia in itself is characterized by episodes of binging and purging. The acts of binging are often quick consumption of abnormally large portions of food to the point of physical pain and discomfort from stomach stretching. A study
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