Saturday, November 30, 2019
Misogyny Hip Hop W Sources free essay sample
Tina Marble Misogyny In HIP Hop culture refers to lyrics, videos, or other aspects of hip hop culture that support, glorify, Justify or normalize the objectification, exploitation or factorization of women. Misogyny in hip hop music instills and perpetuates negative stereotypes about women. It can range from innuendos to stereotypical characterizations and defamations. Overt misogyny in rap and hip hop music emerged in the late sasss, and has since then been a feature of the music of numerous hip hop artists. Hip hop has had a considerable influence on modern popular culture, saturating mass media through music, radio broadcasts and a variety of other mediums. Gangster rap, the most commercially successful submerge of hip hop, has been particularly criticized and associated with misogyny. Others, however, contest the societal emphasis of misogyny In hip hop music, noting that misogynist and sexist themes are prevalent wealth other forms of popular discourse. We will write a custom essay sample on Misogyny Hip Hop W Sources or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The constant reference of women as blotches and hoes can be Interpreted as offensive or derogatory to women.However, showing women In a negative light appears in many music genres. The fact that it regularly occurs in hip hop is a scapegoat conservatives use to discredit hip hop music. Studies show that other music genres, such as rock music, contain more negative images of women, according to some studies. This is nothing new, Just as marketing and advertising companies have used sex to increase market share and earnings, because to be blunt, sex sells. Misogyny has become a sign of authenticity for some rappers, who use misogynistic lyrics and depictions of violence against women to prove that they are authentic gangs.Many artists view demeaning women as a way to assert their masculinity. Rappers are often considered fake if they distance themselves from hyper- masculine self-portrayals and hostile representations of women. Hip hop artists also use such lyrics to gain commercial success. Many lyrics have an Inherent distrust of women as a significant theme. Women are depicted as femme battles, gold diggers, and as lying about such things as their age or trying to get pregnant. Tuba Shakers Hell 4 A Hustler asks, Why plant seeds in a dirty pitch, waiting to trick me? Not the life for me.In addition, pimps are glorified and their ability to control and exploit women is praised. Authors also link the treatment of women in hip hop to troubled gender relations in inner-city Black and Hispanic communities. In an ethnographic study of inner-city Philadelphia neighborhood, a trend was evident of young men in such neighborhoods try to raise their social status and self-esteem by demeaning and exploiting women. Resulting from this study, it was also learned that, In many cases the more the young man seems to exploit women, the higher Is his regard wealth the group.Welter and Suborn (2009) have identified five common monolinguals themes In lyrics are as follows: (a) Derogatory naming and shaming of women, (c) Legitimating of violence against women, (d) Distrust of women, and (e) Celebration of prostitution and pimping. Men are praised if they abuse and exploit women . These insults seek to degrade women and keep them in their place. Sexual objectification is the most common misogynistic theme in rap music, according to the analysis of Wittier and Kabuki. Women are portrayed as only good for sex. Dry. Drew raps, Bitched anti sit but hoes ND tricks Get the buck out after youre done Violence is depicted as the most appropriate punishment for women who challenge male domination or simply disrespect men. Juvenile, for example, asks, If she thinks youre Joking, is she going get a quick choking? Physical violence and rape are considered fitting responses if women refuse sex or if they commit other offenses. Mine has also been criticized for his depictions of violence against women, Slut, you think I wont choke no where / Till the vocal chords dont work no more / Shut up slut, youre causing too such chaos. In the sasss audiences were endeared to and began to demand more violent and offensive lyrics and record executives were urging artists to write them. It is suggested that one of the reasons why artists use misogynistic lyrics in their music is that they have internalized the negative stereotypes about women that are prevalent in American society. African women were historically portrayed as annalistic sexual beasts and African males in a submissive role, giving in to wild instinct or bodily impulses. The initialization of such stereotypes may be a Seibel explanation of the hyper sexuality within certain hip hop music.Various authors have argued that misogyny is merely an outgrowth of the cultural acceptance of misogyny at large. Misogyny is a tried and true American tradition from which hip hop derives its understanding of how men and women should behave. Critics argue that hip hops misogyny and promotion of traditional gender roles reflect mainstream American values. Feminists suggest that misogyny in hip hop culture is not a black male thing, but has its roots in a larger pattern of hostility award women in American culture. Just listening to a track and hearing the word pitch continuously used, as in Jay Gs 99 Problems, on the surface structure, it appears as if it is a woman he is free of having problems from, when in actuality, it is a female canine dog he is referring to as the pitch. This is one example of where the context in which certain words are used has a huge impact on their interpretation. It is this writers view that yes; hip hop music is misogynistic in nature and is a sexist enterprise. The majority of Hip Hop that comes out today is misogynist and terrestrials.For the most part, Hip Hop and Rap began and has been a male- dominated genre (although there have been several successful female emcees like MS Late, Queen Latish, Ill Kim, etc. ) and has always had a blind element and been supported by urban clothing brands. I feel it is because Hip Hop and Rap music come from the streets, where the average person has nothing to look forward to but poverty and violence, which is why they dream fo r a better quality of life, (which in their minds) comes with cars, clothes, Jewelry, mansions, etc. Misogynist lyrics are taffeta indeed, but they do not represent a new trend in Black popular culture, nor do they differ fundamentally from woman hating discourses that are common among has been identified with masculinity, female artists have traditionally faced many barriers in entering hip hop and have been marginalia as performers. Despite this, many women rappers have found ways to contest and resist the objectification and exploitation of women in hip hop culture. Salt-N-Peep was one of the first all- female rap acts to provide pro-woman messages and critique double standards and grading images in hip hop.In her Grammar Award winning song U. N. I. , Queen Latish challenges male rappers who use the terms pitch and ho to refer to women. The question Who you calling a pitch? ends each verse of the song. You-You has dedicated much of her career to condemning hip hop misogyny. Many other women rap and rap -soul artists such as Lauren Hill, Eureka Baud, Missy Elliot have adopted a persona which opposes misogynistic representations of women in hip hop. However, some female artists offer no resistance to negative portrayals of women, ND in some cases appears to defend male rappers misogyny.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Jefersonians essays
Jefersonians essays Beginning with the disputed presidential election of 1824, political dominance by the Revolutionary generation came to an end. The American people passed the torch to a generation of Americans who either experienced the Revolution as children or were born in the first years of independence. Moreover, the elitist republic of the Revolutionary generation was about to be supplanted by a new kind of political party, the Jacksonian democracy. It is where ordinary Americans (that is, ordinary white male Americans) would make their way into political and economic power despite protests by social and political elites. Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as guardians of the US Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. During the Jacksonian Era the Jacksonians were true to their beliefs with only a few minor discrepancies. I do agree with the Jacksonians views. The Jacksonians were thought to be good citizens. Some would say the Humble citizens. They believed and wanted to make the country better for the common everyday man, unlike some that only wanted to target the rich and powerful. Jackson wanted to convince the common men to get involved with the government and he was successful. Jackson made the people believe that the common man's ballot matters and would offset the votes of the economic elites. He believed the government should be done by the people. He upheld the constitution by upholding the belief that every man was equal. The rights of men are very important and it was good to have someone to stand up for them. Jacksonians eventually set up a policy called the spoils system. It was believed that since all men were equal, all men could hold public office, even though this became one of Jacksonians weaker points. I would have to admit this was a good idea at first, but like all great things, they came to an end. Scandal also a ccompanied the new system. The panic of...
Friday, November 22, 2019
4 Interview Mistakes Youre Making That Make You Seem Unqualified
4 Interview Mistakes Youre Making That Make You Seem Unqualified Job interviews are often your best chance of showing that you are the right person for the job. But even if you have all of the ideal experience and talent, if you make a big misstep in the interview, you’ll be passed over for someone else- even if that someone is slightly less qualified than you are. Here are the top 4 mistakes to avoid making. Make sure you don’t give the wrong impression to your interviewer and end up looking less qualified than you actually are!1. Admitting your nervesYou might think that saying you’re sooooo nervous might make you look human and sincere, and while it might be endearing in another social situation, it’s not a very good strategy for interviewing. Remember, you’re supposed to be showing yourself in the most professional, calm-under-pressure, capable light. Besides, if you’re so nervous at the interview, it gives them the chance to imagine you being nervous in the office. Keep calm and fake confidence!2. Not preparingMake sure that you know who is interviewing you, what their role is, what the company does, what you’d be doing- all the basics. Then make sure you have a list of questions ready for when you’re asked what questions you might have. (Then make sure not to ask any of your questions that could be answered by a quick Google). Basically, do your homework. It really shows when you don’t.3. One word answersNo matter how simple the question seems, you should be prepared to elaborate. Remember, every question is a chance for you to shine. Also to cram in details and anecdotes about how much butt you kicked at your last job. Get your selling points across!4. Not asking questionsThat whole â€Å"Do you have any questions for us?†question is not a formality. This is another opportunity for you to go above and beyond- or to fall flat. Make sure, as above, not to ask any questions that could have been answered by doing your proper homework. Be as prepared an d as confident and comfortable as possible and it will feel more like a conversation. Try to come up with interesting, engaging questions in advance that ideally show off the level of preparation you’ve put into your interview.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Equality and Diversity Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Equality and Diversity Policies - Essay Example Although there are varied perceptions of diversity in concept and practice, one compact and comprehensive definition is provided by Esty, et al. (1995), where the authors state that:â€Å"Diversity is acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistance status.†Diversity management, Foster and Harris (2005) opine, â€Å"Encourages innovative practices in human resource management that values employment relationship by addressing individual needs.†Potentially, employers see immense advantage in deploying demographically diverse workforce.Diversity, as opposed to equal opportunity, extends beyond legislation and focuses more on differences amongst individuals and groups. The liberal perspective has moved the diversity discourse from providing equal opportunities addressing social discriminati on to promoting and managing diversity for societal progress and advantages. Equal opportunities policies often promotes sameness in treatment of individuals; whereas, diversity focuses on managing individual differences for gaining competitive edge. Diversity connotes, gender, age, ethnic background, as well as, non-visible characteristics, like work experience and disability factors (Kersten, 2000). In this context, diverse workgroup is beginning to be recognized for its contributory value to meet organizational objectives, than merely to meet legal. and regulatory aspects. Laflà ¨che (2005) chooses a metaphor â€Å"head and heart†to emphasize the effect of diversity on the inner-workings of an organization. It is another way of saying that the entire enterprise must commit to the cause of diversity in order to make a convincing and lasting change in human resource and team management practices that is seen as consistent and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Value Alignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Value Alignment - Essay Example 1). As such, organizational values are seen to be all encompassing for various stakeholders. As an individual, traditional values include being accorded with opportunities for personal and professional growth; being treated equally, fairly, and justly – without discrimination or prejudice; being able to balance family life with work; and being able to adhere to ethical, moral and legal standards. The origin of individual values stem from the value system inculcated by one’s parents (family) and that which is traditionally handed and manifested in one’s culture. From the value statements, of the individual and that of the organization, it could be deduced that when these values are congruent; meaning, they are aligned or identical, the relationship between employer and employee is perceived to be harmonious, smooth, and effective. It was emphasized that â€Å"values and ethics are important in the workplace to help keep order, ensuring that a company runs smoothly and remains profitable†(Amico, 2013, p. 1). As such, both the individual and the organization could work hand in hand towards the accomplishment of identified goals: whether it be personal, professional, or organizational
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Power in of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free
Power in of Mice and Men Essay The theme of power is prevalent throughout the novel Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck uses various methods and techniques to establish the dynamics of power on the ranch. In the first extract, George and Lennie are in the brush and we get a strong sense of George’s parental control over Lennie, but it also shows how Lennie’s physical stature gives him a degree of power over George. In extract two we meet Curley for the first time, and his authority over the ranch workers is clearly asserted through the various ways in which Steinbeck describes him. And finally, in extract three, we see the first fight of the novel. The fight is very diverse in how it portrays power. At different stages in the fight some people have more authority over others and we see how the workers feel more powerful together as opposed to individually. In this extract the ‘hierarchy’ of power on the ranch is very shaken up. Extract one focuses on George and Lennie’s relationship. Even from the onset words such as ‘’timidly’’, ‘’softly’’, and ‘’gently’’ help to establish the dynamics of their relationship. These words portray Lennie as a weak, almost fragile character in contrast to words such as ‘’jerked’’, ‘’scowled’’, and ‘’bastard’’ which portray George as impatient and annoyed, almost like an exasperated parent. Steinbeck uses a multitude of exclamation marks to emphasise George’s frustration. Ellipses are also used throughout the extract to show how Lennie hesitates and stutters though his sentences. This clearly shows that he is unable to recall information and is, at times, very nervous. This reiterates the fact that George holds the reins of power in the relationship. It is significant, maybe, that Steinbeck describes George as a ‘’little man’’. It points out that physical stature does not equate power in this relationship. If this was not true the tables would be turned as Lennie towers over George, which is why it is strange that he is so reliant on George. This really shows how Lennie is less powerful. Lennie’s metal disability makes him vulnerable because he is unable to retain information. This is shown through Lennie’s very simple language. â€Å"..But it didn’t do no good†Steinbeck also uses many question marks to show how Lennie is constantly asking questions and therefore constantly seeking guidance from George, and again, that’s what gives George the edge over Lennie. When discussion moves to the bus tickets and work cards Lennie realises that he doesn’t have his. â€Å"He looked down at the ground in despair†which shows that he is ashamed and perhaps a little frightened of George’s reaction, but Steinbeck then goes on to say that George took responsibility for both of the work cards, knowing that Lennie could not be trusted. This, again, demonstrates the balance of power and shows that both George and Lennie are aware of how much power the other possesses. After looking for his work card in his pocket, Lennie take out a mouse to which George replies sharply. â€Å"What’d you take outta that pocket?†George’s tone is accusatory which shows that he is astute. He then continues to bombard Lennie with questions, which gives Lennie the chance to demonstrate another type of power – his cunning. He attempts to deceive George. â€Å"Ain’t a thing in my pocket†Although childlike, this sentence shows that Lennie’s mind is able to think of plans. How would he keep the mouse? By attempting to deceive George. Eventually, George’s patience wears thin and he exclaims â€Å"Give it here!†shouting at Lennie like a parent. Throughout the extract George issues a multitude of orders to Lennie. â€Å"You ain’t gonna say a word†, â€Å"We’re gonna work†, â€Å"You jus’ stand there†. These commands show just how pliable Lennie is and how George uses his power to make Lennie comply. George also uses idle threats to manipulate Lennie. â€Å"†¦if I didn’t have you on my tail†. This, again, shows George’s parental control over Lennie and goes hand in hand with his use of the dream to make Lennie work. Just as a child would get no presents at Christmas, Lennie would not be allowed to tend the rabbits if he steps out of line. But, as much as George chastises Lennie, he does give him appropriate encouragement. â€Å"Good boy. That’s swell.†Extract two focuses on Curley. When he enters the bunkhouse his authority over the ranch workers becomes very apparent. Steinbeck says that â€Å"he wore a work glove†and â€Å"he wore high-heeled boots†. The simple fact that Curley has to wear certain items of clothing suggests that his authority is somewhat artificial as opposed to Slim, whose power comes naturally. It is important to note how Curley’s body language changes when he notices the new men. He â€Å"glanced coldly†, â€Å"his hands closed into fists†and â€Å"his glance was at once calculating and pugnacious†. This kind of body language is very aggressive and he uses it to dominate the men. â€Å"Lennie squirmed under the look and shifted nervously on his feet†which shows that Curley’s power is very obvious and he continues to assert his power by invading Lennie’s personal space and speaking to him with a very brusque tone. Curley is quick to confront Len nie, as he feels like Lennie will be a threat dure to his size. â€Å"Let the big guy talk.†Lennie is unsure of how to respond to this and â€Å"twisted with embarrassment†which shows just how debilitated he is. As usual, George stands up for him and challenges Curley’s power. George has a very monosyllabic tone of voice when speaking to Curley which shows that he does not feel the need to elaborate and is perhaps being defiant. â€Å"Yeah, it’s that way.†Lennie looks helplessly to George for instruction when given the chance to talk which again demonstrates George’s power over him. Eventually, when Lennie does speak, he speaks â€Å"softly†which suggests a lack of power and perhaps a degree of uncertainty. Curley starts to get aggressive with Lennie, but the anger is totally unprovoked. Even Candy is wary of Curley’s power and â€Å"looked cautiously at the door to make sure no one was listening†before telling George that Curley is the boss’s son and that he is â€Å"pretty handy†. In this role, authority is implicit and Curley evidently has a lot of physical power if he is being described as â€Å"handy†by the other ranch workers. This is important to note in extract three when Lennie and Curley have a fight. At the beginning of extract three, Curley feels his power is being threatened by Carlson. He uses very authorial body language to regain this power but it is in vein as the ra nch workers feel comfortable standing up for themselves when they are together. Carlson lectures Curley on how he isn’t as powerful as he likes to think. Candy â€Å"joined [Carlson’s attack] with joy†and this is far from how Candy was acting at the end of extract two. Again, the ranch workers feel safer in large groups. Perhaps Curley decides to fight Lennie because he wants to demonstrate his strength and feels that Lennie is the weakest of the workers, therefore, the easiest to fight. Curley â€Å"stepped over to Lennie like a terrier†. Here Steinbeck, yet again, uses a simile to describe the invasion of Lennie’s personal space. â€Å"Then Curley’s rage exploded†and he uses a lot of expletives to provoke Lennie. This can be compared to George’s language and how he curses at Lennie calling him a â€Å"big bastard†. Perhaps Curley’s reaction is so vicious because he is afraid of being humiliated in front of the workers. â€Å"Lennie looked helplessly at George†which shows that he is weak, but more so vulnerable. Yet again, he looks to George for direction. At first, Lennie doesn’t fight back because he knows that if he gets himself into trouble he won’t be allowed to tend the rabbits, although when Curley starts getting very violent George encourages Lennie to fight back. â€Å"Get him, Lennie. Don’t let him do it.†The fact that Lennie has to be told by George to protect himself shows just how much leadership George has when it comes to Lennie. The line â€Å"I said get him†also emphasises George’s control. Lennie, however, redeems himself and crushes Curley’s hand. Lennie is so adamant to do what George has told him to do that he stills holds on to Curley’s fist even though George is slapping him and telling him to stop. â€Å"George slapped him in the face again and again, and still Lennie held on to the closed fist.†In conclusion, I think it is difficult to define the most powerful man on the ranch as Steinbeck presents so many different types of power; innate, physical, implicit, parental etc. Throughout all three of the extracts the balance of power shifts frequently, but authority is always evident. Steinbeck shows it very cleverly and subtly, almost manipulating the reader to anticipate certain reactions from certain characters which is why I find these extracts so engaging to read.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Benefits of the Weight Watchers Program Essay -- Health Nutrition Diet
Benefits of the Weight Watchers Program Weight Watchers is an excellent program to aid in weight loss and healthy eating. It is an easy, healthy, and effective method for losing weight and eating correctly. Weight Watchers has based their program on a point system, making it easy to follow by counting points assigned to foods. It promotes healthy eating habits by regulating serving sizes, which are set by the United States Department of Agriculture. In addition to promoting healthy eating habits, it offers support for people who might need it. The support, along with the eating plan, helps dieters lose weight and eat healthy. Weight Watchers is very easy to follow. This is because the program has allocated a point value to every food. The points are related to the amount of calories the food contains; the more calories a food has, the more points it is given. For example, one apple has one point. The dieter is allowed a certain number of points per day, therefore restricting the amount of calories from anywhere between 1200 and 1700. Depending o...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Do you agree with this interpretation of the importance of the battle of the Somme? Essay
Source A is an extract from a report written by General Haig in December 1916 about a month after the battle of the Somme, the report was then sent to the British cabinet. Douglas Haig was commander in chief of the British army and in the report he was trying to show how vital he thinks the battle was in perspective of winning the war. As with every source, it needs to be looked at in context so you can review its provenance and reliability. When the report was writhen there was a new government in Britain. David Lloyd George who had been Secretary of State for War was now Prime Minister replacing. Haig had been criticised by Lloyd George, Churchill and Beaverbrook and for his strategy of attrition at the Somme, this being the cause of huge casualties during the battle and only a very small push in land taken. The British only gained an average of 5miles for 420,000 casualties. Haig was now starting his own battle back home to save his reputation as a military commander.In the report Haig seems to have been using the report to justify his decisions that had led to the largest loss of forces and manpower ever experienced by the British army in one battle. Haig was commander in chief during the Somme and it was his job to set the tactics for commanders to carry out. The fact that Haig was Commander in Chief at the Somme meant that he was largely responsible for the tactics used at the battle. This means that in source A Haig is having to defend or justify his actions in on the Somme. This will make the source less reliable as Haig has cause to be biased in his report. He is trying to keep his job and wants to be known as a great military hero not a military disaster. This would have given Haig even more motive to give a biased report. Haig was respected by the French generals and had the support of the king, this put him in a position of power particularly as there was no one better to do the job. He knew that members of the cabinet did not like him being Commander in Chief so this may have made Haig present the evidence in source A in a more positive light. He did this to protect his reputation, justify his decisions and to keep his job. There is no evidence that Haig was a untruthful man. However, the likelihood that he was badly informed about the situation and his self-confidence and the fact that he was wanting to protect his reputation and job mean that Haig could be biased in his report and his reliability as a source can be doubted. Looking at Source A, it looks like most of the extract is accurate but not completely accurate. Haig states, ‘the German casualties have been greater than ours ’. This is misleading as although the British casualties were less than the German casualties (420,000-500,000), the combined allied casualties were more. The allies suffered 620,000 whereas the Germans suffered about half a million casualties. Nevertheless Haig may not have known about this at the time. Roll calls at the end of battles meant there were truthful records of allied casualties however German records would not have been available, so these casualty figures were estimates. Nonetheless Haig may have said the German casualties were greater than ours because he wants to keep his job and make his situation look better than it is. Haig admits that, ‘the amount of ground we have gained is not great’ which is true but he then says, ’That is nothing’. Even before the Somme, Haig had been more concerned with a strategy of attrition so. Haig was expecting his strategy to have large casualties but the public wanted a justification of why so many lives had been lost. Even though the German army had been disconnected from ‘strong defensive positions’ the cost was very high and the Germans had often retreated to equally strong defensive positions. Haig was presenting only part of the situation. He is doing this to put himself in a positive light. Because he wants to keep his job and be seen as a public hero rather than villain. However writing about the Somme in 1919 the German General Ludendorff wrote; ‘We had heavy losses in men and material. As a result of the Somme we were completely exhausted on the western front.’ This German quote supports Haig’s opinion of the effect of the Somme on the troops in the German army. Other than reports from captured prisoners its unclear how he can have been sure of this at the time. Whilst he has not lied in the report, Haig might be seen as guilty of laying out the information in a way that isn’t completely truthful. Also he has been discriminatory by only mentioning the upbeat information. Perhaps the principal thing wrong with the extract is it not showing the impact of the Somme on the British troops, but this would have undermined his argument because this would have showed the down side of the war and therefore not put Haig in a positive light. In conclusion, it appears that in the extract Haig is justifying his strategy of attrition at the Somme by showing the significance of the battle, for demonstrating the might of the British army, and its role in the destruction of the German army. Haig is reasonable in his view. It seems from the Reich archive that the affect on the German army from the Somme was great but nevertheless they still fought on for 2years. There are a number of key reasons why the Somme was important. It helped the French defence of Verdun and allied relations. It was a trial for new technologies in warfare such as tanks, machine guns and planes. Before the Somme, Kitchener’s volunteer army had been amateurs and inexperienced. After the Somme, they were a force of battle hardened experienced troops. The objectives that were achieved through the Somme were done through a strategy that cost many lives and unfortunately many errors made the battle longer. There is no way of telling whether the same things could have been achieved using different tactics. Haig was writing his report to people who were hostile to him and his strategy. He believed in his strategy and his ability to win the war, he was also worried about defending his reputation and job. His original aim was to wear down the German army in a war of attrition. From his view he achieved his aim so it is understandable why he wrote what he did. It is my view that what he said he achieved was important but even as an report to the British government themselves it presents a biased view because Haig has all the motive to be biased.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Why You Want to Join
Welcome parents and guardians. My name isaosfh. I am a student in Ib. Ib is an intense academic program that prepares students for success in university and life in general. Every one of us has goals that they want to accomplish and succeed; Ib helps push our limits and inspires us to reach those goals. Being in high school is different compared to middle school. It has it’s ups and downs. At times the homework load is heavy, and at times it’s not. However, with the right time management and organization skills your child will be just fine. Organization is an important skill you need not only in school but through out life. During middle school you only had one or two assignments you needed to complete, but high school is very different. If you don’t organize your time well, you will be stressed out from the homework load. During the first three weeks when school began, it was a big shock. It felt as if I had lost my social life, and was spending hours staying up late trying to complete projects. This was because I had bad work habits and left everything to the last minute. Because of my disorganization, my marks weren’t as high as they could be, and I wasn’t living up to my full potential. Then one day my teacher explained to us of things we could do to create more time for ourselves. The main thing she kept saying over and over was organization. So slowly, I started to improve my work habits. My first step was using my agenda. It is now my best friend, with it I know exactly what homework we have and I can record the time periods for how long I want to work on the assignment. Instead of doing the assignment all at the last minute, I’ve started breaking it up into little pieces. I am now not as overwhelmed, and I know I’m working harder then ever. By organizing my time I have eliminated any distractions I had in the past, and complete my homework it on time and with care. I now work more efficiently and am able to accomplish tasks. I also have regained my social life!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
buy custom Ethical Issue Summary essay
buy custom Ethical Issue Summary essay Current paper focuses on ethical issue which existed in Operation and Maintenance Sector in the Ministry of Defense where I worked for five years as a mechanical engineer. Specifically, it focuses on discrimination issue which existed among employees. There were experienced employees who were unwilling to help new colleagues and interns, and that led to many misunderstandings and psychological tension within organization. As a result, performance level dropped, and the Operation and Maintenance sector was not performing as well as it used to. I, as a mechanical engineer, decided to fix the situation. Firstly, I made senior workers see the consequences of their actions. They saw that ignorance, lack of interest and respect toward their colleagues had negative effects on the entire organization because the performance was decreasing, and people were developing negative attitudes toward the job. Secondly, I talked to the younger employees, motivating them to become more open and eager about learning new things regarding their positions and professions. Thirdly, I organized communication between experienced and younger workers, so they were able to move past their differences and misunderstandings and exchanged with each other important ideas. This way, the employees finally became a team that consisted of people willing to help each other as well as provide their coworkers with a professional advice. Later on, I strengthened the importance of code of ethics for the organization, so every employee followed it. People within Operation and Maintenance sector realized that their previous behavior had many negative consequences for the organization, so they decided to change, and were able to do it. They improved their behavior, meeting ethical requirements and acting in accordance with code of ethics. This way, an ethical issue was solved, the organization started working well again, and there was no psychological tension anymore. Buy custom Ethical Issue Summary essay
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Study On Brand Identity Marketing Essay
A Study On Brand Identity Marketing Essay Yes, because Microsoft is by far one of the most powerful companies in the world. When we X Box, just by nature we think of the name Microsoft that has now become a household name. There is an essay attached that I had that explains this further What makes people buy one product or service over another? The answer lies in the persuasive power of marketing communications – advertising, public relations, direct marketing and e marketing – working together to achieve a desired result. To remain viable in today’s marketplace, many organizations have integrated their unique corporate culture, values and innovations into their brand identity. Rather than stand alone as a faceless structure, this new wave of companies imparts personality into their brands. This more personal brand message further distinguishes products and services from those of their competitors. A consumer who feels kinship with an organization’s core identity is likely to remain loyal to that organization’s products or services  a loyalty unshaken even by intense competition. The most persuasive and powerful tool to achieve this is branding. Identity is branding. It is has been around as long as human beings have organized themselves. Countries identify themselves with flags and uniforms. Families use crests. Product branding is found on ancient vases with the symbol of the craftsmen that created them, and cattle in the west were â€Å"branded†with the symbol of the ranch. Brand is the proprietary visual, emotional, rational, and cultural image that you associate with a company or a product. When you think Volvo, you might think safety. When you think Nike, you might think of Michael Jordan or â€Å"Just Do It.†When you think IBM, you might think â€Å"Big Blue.†The fact that you remember the brand name and have positive associations with that brand makes your product selection easier and enhances the value and satisfaction you get from the product. Brand identity includes brand names, logos, positioning, brand associations, and brand personality. A good brand name gives a good first impression and evokes positive associations with the brand. A positioning statement tells, in one sentence, what business the company is in, what benefits it provides and why it is better than the competition. The first thing we recognise when we talk about brands is that they are not just names, terms, symbols, designs or combinations of these, although it is true to say that such things can differentiate certain products and companies from others. The additional ingredient that makes a successful brand is personality. Today’s leading brands are personalities in their own right and are well known in all societies and cultures as film heroes, cartoon characters, sports stars or great leaders. For today’s business the brand comes in the form of a logo. The secret to successful branding is to influence the way in whic h people perceive the company or product, and brands can affect the minds of customers by appealing to those four mind functions, or combinations of them. Some brands appeal to the rational part of a person, to the elements of logic and good sense (the thinking dimension) such as toothpaste, which prevents decay and cholesterol-free foods. Others appeal to the senses of smell, taste, sight and sound such as fashion and cosmetic products.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 21
Marketing - Essay Example Even though the corporation sounds quite young, most of its brand names are over 100 years old. The company was first established in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. The company offers superior products that are of high quality. High standards of performance, competitive strategies and high integrity of people have fostered the success of the company (Stoddard, 2008). It is the largest manufacturer and distributor of beverages and other syrups and it is the largest corporation in the U.S.A. Coca-Cola was invented by John Stith Pemberton. The product WAS later bought by Asa Candler who incorporated the company in 1892. The company offers more than 400 brands in more than 200 countries. The product has over 1.5 billion customers every day. According to annual reports, the company sells over 400 brands which include diet coke, diet coke caffeine free, diet cherry coke, coke with lemon, diet coke with lemon, diet vanilla coke, Aquarius Mineral Water, diet coke with lime, coca-cola C2, diet coke plus among others. The company offers wide range of products such as AMP Energy, diet mountain screw, mug root beer, propel, sierra mist, sobe, no fear, pepsi max, sobe life water, starbucks coffee drinks and tava among others. The company adopted one quality standard in all branches around the globe. It is very committed to satisfy and protect the interest of the consumers since they are the bedrock for the success of the company. The products carry a quality assurance seal which enable the consumers to know the global quality of items. On the other hand, Coca-Cola Company offers a wide range of products including beverage concentrates and syrups. The company uses marketing strategies and product differentiation to achieve it’s of objectives of customer satisfaction. It has good reputation all over the worlds due to quality products that the company offers. It extended the products of coke and developed new products such as
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